
Anonymous unknown country

I am 23 years old divorced woman, and I have a 6-year-old daughter. I got divorced due to the violence I was subjected to by my husband and his mother. I suffered a lot, and I endured the pressure for the sake of my daughter, but I could not tolerate the physical and verbal abuse any longer. My daughter and I don’t have any place to go and my husband does not pay the alimony. Now I live in a small room, I do not have money for the rent and I do not have a family. I need help and I don't know where to go.

Anonymous unknown country

I am a 36-year-old orphan. I work in a bakery and live in a small house. My neighbour, who is a drug dealer and has a criminal record, is abusing me physically, emotionally and mentally. In the current circumstances, I can’t move house as I can’t afford to live elsewhere. Besides, this is the place where my parents put me before they passed away. When I call the police they do not respond. What do I do? I think of suicide day and night

Anonymous From Lebanon

My children live with their father, and he does not care about them. Due to the quarantine, I cannot see them. I want them to live with me, but my father does not agree. The quarantine may end, but what about my quarantine as a divorced woman.

Anonymous unknown country

I don't know if the quarantine changes people to a point where you feel that you no longer know them. My husband was a quiet person, but he turned into a ruthless monster since the beginning of the quarantine, and he started beating me taking advantage that I am a refugee and I have nowhere to go. I know that violence cannot be justified but I had to give him a second chance. Then he beat me in front of my children. My daughter could not stand it and managed to escape and inform the neighbors .... but he did not stop or be ashamed and continued hitting me in front of them. I gave him so many chances, but he continued abusing and attacking me until he deprived me of my children and took them away leaving me alone with pain and oppression.

Anonymous unknown country

I have been subjected to psychological and physical violence since the beginning of my marriage. The Corona pandemic intensified my crisis after my husband left me without a breadwinner; even my children abandoned me, and I don't have anyone to turn to for help. I live in bad health and economic conditions. I suffer from depression and tension that increase day after day

Anonymous unknown country

I have been living in depression for 20 years. My father has been abusing my mother and me since I was a little girl. My work used to comfort me a little, but during the quarantine, I had to endure daily yelling, and above all, I saw my neighbor today carrying a knife and threatening his wife. She was running away and screaming.

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