
Let's End Violence Together

Learn how you can take action and contribute to ZERO TOLERANCE for Violence against Women and Girls. This page contains downloadable free content here to help you make a difference. Learn about how to engage your community by raising awareness in your workplace, company, school, or university, organizing activities, or taking to social media to voice your opinion and initiate action. Do your bit to support victims of violence, by advocating for legislative change or sharing your story.

How you can end violence

Counteracting Victim-Blaming

Victim blaming has deep roots in all cultures and societies. It is, therefore, imperative to shift the blame from the victim to the perpetrator to bring about just accountability and free victims of this burden. Learn about how you can fight victim-blaming in your everyday life.
Shift the Blame Now

Ideas for Activities and Initatives

There are many steps you can take to counteract violence and contribute to breaking the cycle that affects women and girls in the Southern Mediterranean. Here are 10 surefire ways you can combat violence in your community.
Initiate Your Actitvities Now

Identifying Instances of Violence Against Women & Girls

It is hard to identify gender-based violence. There is no standard profile of victims, and symptoms can be visible or hidden. With the help of this guide, you will learn how to spot instances of violence and how to remedy them.
Identify and Prevent Violence